Sunday, 24 July 2011

Amy Winehouse RIP

I won't speak ill of the dead and my sympathy goes to Amy's family. I can't say it came as a shock that she passed away as we know of her well publicized issues with drink and drugs. It's a waste of a life and I hope that it will help prevent more wasted lives from being wasted in the same way.
Of course the monster that is media had covered everything she did and indeed didn't do. There will be much speculation over this but I hope that in the end she and everyone finds the peace they sought.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Sore foot and yet my boss still wants me to work!

I was unlucky enough to stamp my foot down onto a plug so one of the prongs gashed it. I can't believe how sore it is. I think what's worse is the skin flapping about and the bruise being rubbed by the shoe.
My boss wants me in to work as we're deadlining this week. On the one hand I am up for it as I like keeping active and I'm mentally fine, but on the other hand I can't barely walk to or from work let alone drive or go out on patch and visit clients. It's crazy!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Botox like crack!

I don't agree how a surgeons can offer free botox knowing that it's like a drug to addicts or a way to tempt people into this falsely beautiful world. It's so superficial and a dark art to practice. Once you try it, you'll have to keep doing it to maintain the effects. It's horrid!

Cosmetic Surgery

I attended a cosmetic surgery specialist the other day. The session was quite weird as they had champagne flowing, botox for free and loads of other non surgical things before the talk. The talk itself was freaky though. The surgeon made it clear he was going to promote surgery (after all it's his profession) but also wanted to promote the less invasive procedures.
His talk was interesting enough given that it was all about how he was ethical. Shame that these ethics weren't translating into caring for the patient mentally. Surely somewhere a governing body (which isn't owned by a select few surgeons for their own ends) should step in and say that the issue should be treating people with dignity and not trying to milk them for all these different operations.
I thought I was in another world when he said that all ugly people would be beautiful in 10 years time. Partially down to technical advances, partly down to people getting treatments done earlier on and it being more commonplace.
I wonder if people in the congo (not saying that anyone there's ugly), would agree with him at all? I doubt it! I just don't think that they live on the same planet these specialists. Obviously the botox has got into his brain!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Saturday night

Another week over with and a Saturday night on the horizon. I can't wait to have another night with my wife!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Promoted at work!

I am really pleased to announce that I finally have been promoted at work today. This long overdue promotion came in recognition for making significant sales and contributions in the office as well as launching new platforms in the magazines I work on which has seen fresh revenue come in and helped others generate money.
The increase in pay will certainly come in handy as we're planning to get away for a week soon.

Newsflash...Hell Freezes Over

News just in... we've received reports that hell has frozen over. A rather angry Mr. B. Alzebub is quoted in saying "What the hell?!" and "I didn't see that coming!"
We'll return to this exciting story with more details as soon as we have them. Be sure to stay tuned to hear the latest!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The best feelings in the world...

Feel free to add to this list but I think to get things started the best feelings in this world are -

Love (and being loved)
Finding money in your pocket/in the street
Having a soak in a hot bubble bath or jacuzzi
Sunbathing somewhere beautiful
A freshly made bed after a long day

Tired, cranky and looking forward to having a good soak and long night in bed!

After having such a hard day at work I really feel irritated and generally not up for socialising or let alone speaking or listening to anyone. I just really want to come home, put my feet up, have nothing on the telly and unwind properly or I'm likely to go into meltdown.
I hate feeling this way! At least it's over with and I have the nice evening and some food and drink and bed to look forward to after having a nice hot bath to soak in.

Tuesday.. Monday's hangover!

I've got a sneaking suspicion that Monday's get all the bad press and that perhaps Tuesday deserves to fall into the same category of Monday blues.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

London Gay Pride 2011 - Let Down!

My wife got back from the London Gay Pride event today and it was a total blow-out. Having to wait for hours to get into the loos, crime (her brother had his bag pinched - including all his booze!), crowds everywhere and generally no atmosphere or sound systems to be found anywhere... sadly the worst bit of all was the attitudes of quite a few attending. I doubt 2012 is going to be worth it?! This seems to be something that keeps getting worse year on year.

Staying in and babysitting

My wife really loves going to gay pride and as her friend couldn't go as she couldn't find anyone to babysit her children I volunteered as I quite like her children and last year pride didn't seem as good as previously. It's a good deal really as I get to chill out this weekend and they get to go out and party. I wonder if I'm getting too old for this kind of thing? At least its good practice for when we may have kids!