Tuesday, 22 March 2011

More job offers... should I stay or should I go?

It's amazing, you have nothing for a spell and then like most things, several come along in one go out of the blue. It's always flattering getting offers but it does bug me having such secrecy and so on to start with. Why on earth do you get agencies saying something like 'we've been shortlisting CV's of which you're one of the final candidates we'd like to put forward...' I'm sure you would but if you're not telling me who or what this role is and where it is and anything else in addition to failing to highlight their skills and abilities just puts them in a weaker position in my opinion.
There's so many jobs in sales it's crazy, you might as well have a revolving door at my office the staff turnover is so high and it's not necessary to be this way. Sadly if we were going to be brutally honest, it all boils down to the mismanagement of staff. If you have a confident team, a positive buzz and ethos and reward peoples efforts or at least recognise them, people will stay... if you don't have this air around you, it will get stagnant and all too easy to feel like you would be better off elsewhere. Sadly as I've proven it's almost always better the devil you know than the one you don't.

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