Sunday, 29 May 2011

Contrived movies... Action Actors don't need to Act! Dance movies should go to hell and Sex and the City 2 have a lot to answer for!

Is it me or have we seen the movie industry lose its spark more and more over the years. Looking back at movies over the last few decades there's always been an itch that the films have scratched. Boys for example would get their fill of violence with a good old fashioned action film, low on script - high on thrills and of course a big named star to pull it all together. Then someone had to try and get the muscly "actors" to actually act... Arnold Schwarzenegger even took a stab at it with less and less convincing results.
Now we're left to pick between either a really messed up movie with little or no plot but just gore and freaky stuff like Saw or Hostel... (which of course try to outdo itself with every incarnation). Or alternatively art house films which try to pass themselves as mainstream movies like Antichrist which let’s face it made no sense at all and left you wondering just what the hell was that all about and why did I sit through it and not demand my money back? Also, just who the hell funds the making of it and then decides it's worth it? Seriously, it's crazy!
If that sort of thing is not your cup of tea, then there's always a lousy dance movie where poor kid gets a chance to shine but can't let go of roots, history catches up with them and causes problems, which only get made worse as they find love (despite themselves) with a privileged kid and somehow sparks fly because we all know that opposites attract... they get a chance to work together and despite the odds manage to win a competition (which of course a rival kid or gang is competing in) and yay, the good guys manage to win and the world seems right once more.... Stop making this stuff up! Sure, dancers are amazing but stop trying to make it something it isn't... Take porn for example, it's what it is, why bother with a script it's just padding it all out!? You can do better DIY movies than anything you can probably buy from these seedy shops but at least they don't tend to take themselves too seriously and when they do, well, it doesn't work. It just seems like everything's going more mainstream!
Talking of padding things out and going mainstream... Sex and the City 2... man, did I feel my nuts shrivel and die as I watched this long and painful slow movie. Ok, it had a nice turn e.g. It starts with a gay wedding (which lasts forever) Carrie's married to Mr Big and the spark seems a bit dead now... Samantha gets to take her and the other two to UAE and of course they have a couple of dilemmas... the ginger lawyer and Charlotte have a heart to heart about having kids, Carrie snogs an old flame and Samantha gets put in jail for kissing in public. They then try to flee the country as they don't want to pay the hotel bill and they get the unlikely help from the Arab women (who of course love fashion and America!) They get back to New York and Carrie and Mr Big smooth things over and find that spark again, Samantha gets her guy and the other two return to mothering again. Oh and for the guys there's a braless Irish lass who seems to get slow-mo close-ups.
What I guess I'm just trying to say is, please, if there's a director or producer out there who reads this, please quit making such tasteless rubbish/trash and treat your audience with more respect or else your new films are going to end up going straight to DVD and not even the pirates will bother copying these crappy flicks!
Oh and don't even get me started on Inglourious Bastards... Quentin Tarantino, you suck! That film was total boredom and the US army did not kill Hitler like your film depicts - so please learn your history and quit trying to teach kids false things.

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